There are a few questions that i hope you may help me with.
After going through the recent Quoter report, i found that there is some unhealthy situations in the company finance.
Trade receivables number is hiking a new high. The number even is higher than the earning of xxx.
[LJ] Yes, our nature of business is normally base on milestone, and typically the collection is rather long. The industry norm is like 12 months. It has been a common pattern for software industry. However, it does not mean that we should be the same as the industry.
We have since last year trying to improve various areas to enhance the upfront collection. Some of the things we have done are like: -
a) increase upfront deposit from 20% to 50% for new customers
b) refrain from starting job or control delivery if no payment is received
c) improve collection to be more aggressive
Over the past 2 years, we have improved the situation of our A/R as follows. But before that I would like to point out that Other Receivable should not be concluded as A/R as it is the investment amount to China (Other Receivable in FY 2007 = 2 Mil). Because initially we classified the progressive investment as cash advance. After the conversion this year, this receivable will be reclassified as investment. As for other receivable in FY 2006, they were for investment (RM 1.0 Mil).
FY 2006 FY 2007
Revenue 7.78 Mil 12.4 Mil
A/R 5.9 Mil 8.0 Mil
Other Receivable 2.5 Mil 2.0 Mil
A/R vs Revenue 75.8% 64.5%
For this coming financial year 2008, we foresee the A/R will be further improved below 55%.
We are continuously looking to improve the A/R situation, but is not something we can change over night. But we are not stopping at this.
Means, company has earning in business,but receive no cash from client. Is the company having any difficulty to collect cash from client?
If possible, please advise me that the amount of money own by the largest client and what is that company?
[LJ] Our client base, since IPO, has been improved where we do not rely on single largest customer anymore. For this question, I should reply such that the largest money owing is ranging from 500K to 1.5 Million for any project (some customer may have multiple projects with us). Typically, if the client is unable to pay in lump sum, we will strive for instalment agreement with them. This arrangement is working OK so far for us.
How many months of credit terms for clients?
[LJ] Normal credit terms is about 30 days from the invoice date.
From the point of management, how much is trade receivables will change to bad debts provision?
[LJ] So far, all our A/Rs were able to be fully collected. We have not had write-offs provision so far. And by looking at our current A/R list, we do not foresee any write-off potential.
Up to date, any further reduction or increase in trade receivables and cash? please advise the estimated figures.
[LJ] Please see explanation above. Up till today, we do have improvement in A/R and cash. But since we have not announced Q3, please excuse me for not able to reveal the actual figures until we finalize them by end of May 2008.
How is the business in China? as i have not find any income from that development in the last report.
[LJ]The biz was rolled out in Dec 2007. And now has been commercialized and starting to generate revenue.
According to the agreement, the profit sharing is monthly basis, am i right?
[LJ] The collaboration has been converted to equity relationship, the announcement was made subsequently last year. Currently we are pending the completion of equity conversion.
If you find that is too difficult to answer via email, i am willing to visit the management if you able to arrange a special appoinment for me.
[LJ] Email or meeting is OK with us. You are always welcome to visit our office too. Please do let me know if you desire to visit us. I can arrange for it.
Reply from a listing company to small shareholder
Posted by tan81 at 4/30/2008 10:28:00 上午 0 comments
Labels: share research
a. 维持不变或一直增长的ROE
b. 和ROE相近的ROA数字 (为了剔出债务带来的不实际增长)
c. 强劲的自由现金流
对我而言,许多企业正很难做到 C 项。盈利持续提升,对于长期投资而言,不算什么。重点是,企业可否在保存盈利/ 现金的同时,继续保持竞争力。只有这样的公司,股东才会因此而受益于企业的增长。不然,只有大股东和基金得益于股价的波动。
不相信? 举个例子,我在1400-1500左右买进SHELL。在1200点-1300点,SHELL 依然值得RM11.50,而且还派了RM0.20 的股息,也将派发RM0.30 的股息。长期在我的观察名单的NESTLE,更展现了惊人的增长。综指1500点时,它的股价是RM26左右。现在由于盈利劲升,已经来到了RM30。现时的综指还在挑战1300点。
Posted by tan81 at 4/24/2008 03:16:00 上午 2 comments
Labels: 个人经历
Posted by tan81 at 4/24/2008 02:03:00 上午 0 comments
Labels: BERSIH
今天买进了一个股。 买了5000units.
Posted by tan81 at 4/24/2008 01:15:00 上午 2 comments
Labels: share research
这是今天的股市闭市图。3100点了,虽然我们不是中国人,不会因此而烧到手,可是有不少持有中国股市基金的朋友,现在的市值正在大幅度减低。有看我写的 观念的朋友,应该明白为何这个时候的基金会比直接投资于中国股市,亏更多的钱。
如果经济基本面良好(企业的盈利继续提升),熊来了,还是会走的。 如果基本面改变了,经济放缓,甚至衰退,期待股市上涨的,肯定是发梦!
Posted by tan81 at 4/22/2008 12:41:00 上午 4 comments
Labels: 经济风云
The Secrets of millionaire mind
T.Harv Eker 替我打开了一扇窗。
那是一个工作营(workshop) ,不只是讲解有钱人的观点,也检视你对于金钱的性格,人生的规划和寻找生命的意义。和许多相关类似的课程,完全不同。层次非常高。而且,我们还认识了许多从亚洲各国飞来参与他课程的人,包括菲律宾、泰国、印尼、日本、台湾和中国人。如果谁是这本书的读者,你应该了解T.Harv Eker 的价值和能力。
5月23日,T.Harv Eker 本人将会来大马吉隆坡,举办相关的课程。我觉得是难得的机会,所以在此特别分享。根据目前的票价,大约是RM350一个人。我希望集结更多人,以向主办单位要求更便宜的票。如果谁有更便宜的票,也可以告诉我。
谢谢!我将在27/4/08 订票。
Posted by tan81 at 4/19/2008 10:39:00 下午 3 comments
Labels: discussion or question
Survival of the Richest by Robert Kiyosaki
Taken from
Most of us are aware of the sacrificial slaughter of Bear Sterns. Some people call it a bailout, but I call it a handout -- a government handout to some of the richest people on Earth, paid for by American taxpayers.
It's the survival of the richest, and the poorest be damned. There's something dismal about a society that operates by those values.
The Economy on Life Support
I understand why the Federal Reserve did what it did with Bear Stearns. The Fed was doing its job -- acting as the lender of last resort, pumping money into a dying system. It wanted to prevent a run on the bank and economic chaos. It was a very creative financing move, using the Fed's magic checkbook to pump more liquidity into a thirsty market -- sort of like a physician administering life-saving measures to a critically wounded patient.
My problem with the move is that the Fed saved this patient because it's a wealthy one. Saving the biggest investment banks in America is welfare for the rich. Would the Fed do that for you or me if we screwed up our investment portfolio? Is the Fed going to bail out the millions of people facing foreclosure because the value of their homes is less than their mortgages? If I'm a small-business owner and fall behind on my taxes, is the Fed going to pay my taxes for me? If I can't pay off my college loan, will the fed pay it for me?
Aren't these investment bankers supposed to be the smartest guys in the world? Aren't they the people we entrust with our investment and retirement money? Aren't they supposed to be financially fit? Some blame subprime borrowers as the culprits in this mess, but the supposedly brilliant investment bankers bought their mortgages. Was that smart?
A Handout for the Rich
This bailout was a signal to Wall Street that the Fed stands behind them -- that they're on the same team. It was a thumbs-up to the super-rich: "Do what you want. If you screw up, we'll cover your blunders."
Ralph Nader's father purportedly once said that "Capitalism will never fail because Socialism will always bail it out." My concern, especially in this election year, is that socialists will seek revenge. Already I can hear the war cry "tax the rich!" The problem with taxing the truly rich is that the rich simply move their money to countries that treat them and their money with undue respect. And when the rich move their money, the poor and middle class end up paying more taxes.
Not only will taxes go up, but the prices of food and fuel will increase, because the purchasing power of the dollar will continue to decline. This rise in cost of living, plus higher taxes and stagnant wages, could lead to unrest -- protests, riots, and possibly chaos. In other words, what the Federal Reserve was attempting to prevent may happen anyway.
When Capitalism Stumbles
Bailing out the rich means over $800 billion from the Fed's magic checkbook entered the market. Immediately, the stock market rebounded and the price of gold and silver declined. The U.S. dollar strengthened against the euro. While this looks like a good sign, I'm afraid the problem isn't solved. The inevitable may only have been delayed.
Our problem is a toxic U.S. dollar. Printing funny money steals from the poor and middle class, savers, and the elderly. It may be legal, but it isn't moral or ethical. As long as the Fed is allowed to wield its power at will, the prices for food and fuel will only go up.
So will the price of gold and silver. Some are calling for gold and silver to go over $2,500 and $200 an ounce, respectively. Some even believe gold will go as high as $5,000 an ounce. I hope not. While I get excited about seeing the gold I purchased for less than $300 an ounce flirt with $1,000 an ounce, I also begin to worry.
The rise in the price of gold is a sign that capitalism has stumbled. And when capitalism stumbles, workers' wages buy less and savings are wiped out. Even gains from the stock market are diminished because our dollar gains are worth less.
Troubles Past and Present
Throughout history, when capitalism stumbles chaos erupts and sometimes despots take over. For example:
• In 1897, the Russian ruble was pegged to gold and a period of relative economic growth followed. Russia went off the gold standard to finance World War I. The government fell to the Bolsheviks in 1917, and the Russian mafia took control of the economy.
• After World War I, the German middle class was wiped out and Adolf Hitler was voted into power in 1933.
• In the 1930s, China was the only country on the silver standard. In 1935, the nationalist Chinese government started issuing paper money. In 1937, in order to fight the Japanese, the government began printing funny money. The value of their currency went from four yuan per dollar in 1936 to a trillion yuan per dollar in 1949. In May of 1949, the Chinese government fell to Mao Tse-Tung and the Communists.
• In 1984, Yugoslavia hosted the Winter Olympics just as their currency, the dinar, began to devalue. In 1989, the IMF recommended more devaluation and the freezing of workers' wages. Rioting broke out, and in 1989 Communist party leader Slobodan Milsoevic was elected into power. Yugoslavia broke apart as war and ethnic cleansing began.
As capitalism falters, the rich move their money out of the country, violence increases, and politicians promising prosperity are elected. It's happened before, and I fear it's happening again. Trouble brews when we steal from the poor and give to the rich.
Posted by tan81 at 4/17/2008 10:10:00 下午 0 comments
Labels: mindset
KrisAssets holdings
IGB和Tan AND TAN Dev 是老牌的房产公司。它们属于同一批股东和管理层。
MIdvalley是IGB 旗下的其中一个资产。
Midvalley 在11月1999年开张营业。整个计划是在金融风暴之前开始进行的。
IGB旗下,有几项资产。IGB本身的核心业务是房地产或发展商。Tan ANd Tan则握有许多地库。
除了Midvalley,就是酒店(Renaisaince Hotel)和Pangkor Beach Resorts ,澳洲的Ipoh Limited (上市的Supermarket),22% 的IJM,和英国的旅店。
早几年, IGB脱售了IpohLimited 和IJM (近3年)的股权。获得了一些一次性的盈利。
2004年,IGB通过脱售Midvalley 给KrisAssets,过后收购KrissAssets的74%股权,替Midvalley倒置上市。并且持有至今。
所以目前IGB 旗下的资产是房产业务,酒店和Pangkor Beach Resorts, 上市的KrisAssets (74%) ,以及英国的资产。
而Midvalley 则100% 属于KrisAssets。
对我个人而言, 我会认为IGB的业务很多元化,而且很复杂(有许多Internal Revenue)。我还是比较喜欢业务简单的Midvalley。
Midvalley的业务就是收取租金和Carpark 的钱。
看了以上三年的报告。我想在这里分享几个重点。2007年的EPS在最后一个季度大幅度增加。因为12月的估值,Midvalley在一年里增加了RM70M。大约4++%。 所以,真实的盈利是要扣除这些增值的。
如果一年一亿的净现金收入,每股可获得RM0.284。我认为,EPS以RM0.284 来算是比较准确的数字。
它的长期债务已经从2005年的650M,减少到2007年的550M。 大家可以做个简单的数学。去年的100M,还了70M(620M变成550M)的长期债务,另外的RM30M正好是股息。所以,我有理由相信,管理层是以7:3来分配净收入。
不过,五年后,就会有RM0.284 的净现金。怎么使用,就要观察管理层的计划。对我们最好的,当然是资本回退。到时才是丰收的时候。
对Midvalley 的好事,除了租金上涨之外,就要看Thegardens 对它的盈利影响。
The Gardens 在9月07年开张。2008年,才能正式带来收入。根据我在上个周末的亲身考察,The Gardens属于高尚的市场,强调Lifestyle。这种业务在M型社会,会发展得非常好。我估计,TheGardens 将会推升Midvalley的盈利接近10% 。长期而言,也许可以增长到20-25% 之间。
根据管理层的报告,他们正在向政府当局申请,要求Putra LRT或Monorail增建一个站在TheGardens。
我认为,Midvalley就是有持久竞争力的公司。欢迎各位关于这点的任何看法。我认为,它的生意是可以轻易的估计10年维持不变。现在的经济环境,随 时出现经济衰退。不过,我认为不管怎么程度的衰退,都无法影响Midvalley 的生意模式,导致它亏损。赚少钱,是可能的,不是亏损。
1。优秀的管理层 (IGB)
4。品牌和护城河 (要投资这么多,而且需要维持稳定的盈利,不是那么容易)
5。良好的地理位置 (可以升值)
Posted by tan81 at 4/15/2008 05:32:00 下午 2 comments
Labels: share research
Shell Refining (4324)-- Version III
Briefing- Shell Refining Company is a refining company,they do not do oil-rig. If you still not sure about what is this Shell doing, can visit to my research before. There Version I and Version II.
If you already read my research about Shell, you will find that Shell Refining Company is not growing and expanding. The only reason we will invest in it, is to enjoy the dividend. But, here is the problem. The EPS has nothing to do with dividend, as the EPS include stockholding gain, which is not cash! For example, in 2007, Shell EPS is RM1.97. But, does it having net cashflow RM2 per share? I doubt on this. There is the reason i start to spend my time to investigate the variables and how we can determine the cash surplus of Shell. This is important as the dividend is payout according to cash surplus!
So, we have a first important variable, termed refining margin. Above diagram show us that the simple idea about how to calculate refining margin. From the diagram, we also know the variable that affect the refining margin.
Second important variable, must be sales in barrels. The volume of sales definitely will affect the income of SRC. Do not consider revenue in Ringgit as the refining margin and sales price vary every year. So, the above diagram confirm that sales of SRC is not growing. 2007, the sales in barrels are 41Million.
3rd, after we have income, we must deduct the expenses. Above diagram give us another summary about the capacity of SRC and capital that used every year. I have a better idea about this calculation. Be patient!
4th, above diagram is the crude oil price until 2007. But it is enough to tell us the secret about relation in between Shell Cashflow and crude oil price.
After talking so much, whats are the refining margin amount?
There are refining margin of SRC from 2003 till 2007. You should click google advert everyday as i help you to get all these chart! Thanks!
Before that, we are having some argument. Does Shell receive benefits or harm when crude oil price increases? Now, we have facts to end this argument. Please study the chart in JUN 06, see the sharp fall in both diagram? Still not convincing? study both diagram in OCT 03 and OCT 04.
The price trends are simultaneous. So, good news here! with increment on crude oil price, refining margin increases. But, please bear in mind, sales in barrels may reduce.
Here, come to the most important part. Just to remind you, i would like to find out the net cashflow by Shell. I assume a formula, predicted cash receive by SRC:
Cash = (sales in barrels*refining margin*exchange rate)-all expenses.
The total expenses, we may get it from income statement. Suprise! My own calculation is almost match all numbers (cash before working capital changes) from annual reports in 5 years!
So, this becomes clear. The variables that affect cash received by SRC is Sales Volume, Refining margin, exchange rates, and expenses. Exchange rates and expenses can be considered constant.
The bottom table show us the net cashflow in column cash surplus. Cash per share is the true earning power by SRC, without stockholding gain.
Let us practice how to calculate the return of Shell compare to its share price now. Let us take the SRC price at RM11. As the crude oil price is still hiking, i predict refining margin 08 is USD7.20. exchange rates is 3.10. sales 08 is 41Million. The predicted cash received is RM915,000,000. expenses is around RM55Million. The cash is RM860,000,000. We apply the maximum ratio, 2.5. Cash before investing is RM344,000,000. If SRC invest RM44,000,000 in plant 2008, the net cashflow is RM300,000,000. Cash per share is RM1.00 as it is having 300,000,000 issued share. The return rate is about 9-10%. Dividend yield is around 5-7%, which is 55sen to 80sen.
Posted by tan81 at 4/12/2008 11:59:00 下午 3 comments
Labels: share research
我认为,下一轮的大涨将会在短期掀开序幕。不过,许多有经验的老手,都在网路上看跌,而且还会跌得深(也许不急)。他们都不约而同地在等着PE〈10 的蓝筹股。
UncleSAM却给了一个很好的策略,实在是有经验的老手。他一直使用1:1 的比例。例如,今天我有着市值RM10,000 的股票,同时也有RM10,000 的现金。现在,市场不管会大涨或大跌,我都会因此而受惠。
Posted by tan81 at 4/09/2008 02:57:00 下午 1 comments
Labels: 市场风云
昨天在东方看到KHir Toyo 的专访。 对不起,我买一年的,不看不行。
拉伯的人马,就是凯利攻打巫青团的主席,不知道Toyo 是那吉的人吗?
只能肯定Toyo 不是拉伯的阵营。还有另外一个可能竞争者是老马的儿子。
如果那吉真的开战,那么谁是他的副手呢?这实在令人好奇。每个人对他都有顾忌,自从有了C4 的案例。我个人顾忌,也许都不是这些红人。因为许多幕后的元老,应该会盘算这次党争,让自己从新回到权利的巅峰。
Posted by tan81 at 4/01/2008 12:00:00 上午 1 comments
Labels: BERSIH