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Bersih ! 10 november 2007- a memorable day

For a malaysian, we resists corruption, we do not want racism, we against monarky, we want BERSIH!

If no BERSIH, our investment is not protected, our family is in risk, our future is not guaranted!

Fair election, fair government and fair economy! That is the malaysia that we want and love!

that is the current politic challenge that we are having. The election and many sector sare dominant by single party and unfair to many people. You may take this as a case study how the political issues will affect the economic activity in malaysia.

just want to share with you.

please visit


冷眼 was there? i copy this reply from others website.

张贴者 冷眼 @ 1686 on 十一月 11, 2007 12:25 上午
No: 56988


有一个遗憾:我不幸成为被挡在Jln TAR 一带的那支黄衫军之一员,无法出现在游行队伍中!当时的情况就是群龙无首,一盘散沙。希望主办当局在总结检讨时,能注意一下组织与应变等方面,下回加以改善。

