看了ROE 之后,就要先计算本益比(PER或PE)。我们需要2个数字来计算本益比,那就是股价和每股盈利,EPS。 在此,我只讨论如何运用这些数字来选股,如果有朋友是初学者,可善用网路,尽可下载所有的会计法则和方程式。
对于本益比,不同的投资者会有不一样的看法和心得。行业的属性不同,也会有不一样的本益比标准。不过,万变不如其宗。我只选择低本益比的公司。在此,须得先说明,低本益比未必是好公司,但,被低估的好公司肯定有低本益比。所以,对新人而言,如何确保最低的投资风险,买入价格时的本益比,就扮演着极关键的角色。购入价格的本益比,也与可以在将来获得多少收益的回报,有着息息相关的关系。一些投资大师,如 Peter Lynch,会根据不同的情况,而判断恰当的购入本益比。如果,我们自问没有他们专业,则无须如此复杂。
所以,看到高ROE,低本益比的公司,就要把过去10年(如有),5年和最近3年的EPS纪录下来。鉴于经济增长有周期,许多企业都面临周期性的兴衰,EPS的数据可能参差不齐。不要紧,先看下以长期而言,EPS有无增长。正如我之前为SHELL所做的资料搜集,它在2001年的EPS是RM0.25, 2007 年是RM2.00 左右。一番为一倍,它的EPS在6年里,开了3番。每2年一番。运用72法则,72/2=36。它EPS的每年复合成长率为36%左右。尽管在这段期间,SHELL的EPS有增减,但看长期的数字,就可看出它的EPS增长能力。
本益比越低,而长期的EPS增长率越高,就代表股价越被低估。接下来,我将举例说明如何运用。我们再拿SHELL的例子。目前,其股价约为RM11.50。今年的EPS约为RM2.00 。 11.50/2=5.75。但,它的EPS长期增长率为24。本益比低于EPS 的增长4.5倍。如果以目前的价格购买,即使未来SHELL的盈利增长下滑4.5倍,你也只是以合理价格买入它而已。以目前石油价格的趋势和它卓越的管理层,盈利下滑的机率,有多高呢?
我们再假设市场是理性的。通常,本益比与盈利成长率相符,就是合理的股价。那么,以现在的股值,SHELL 的合理股价将为目前的4.5 倍。不过,鉴于SHELL的历史本益比都在10倍左右,我们姑且保守的计算,它仍然有上涨2倍的可能(合理的PE ,5.75*2=11.5)。此外,也可拿行业里的龙头老大的本益比作个比较。通常,老大的本益比都比较高,因为市占率最高。例如,目前,PETRONAS的本益比为12倍。所以,SHELL为11.5 倍的本益比属于合理估值。
如何选股 (3)
Posted by tan81 at 11/18/2007 05:34:00 上午 3 comments
Labels: 如何根据价值选股
Shell Refining (4324)
Shell is a very stable company. Their core biz is in oil & gas. Look into oil sector. i think everybody know that oil price increases sharply during 2007. JAN 07, crude oil is USD 55 per barrel; currently, crude oil is around USD 95. Rough calculation, it increases 90% this year. If you compare the crude oil price with Shell EPS, will find that they are directly proportional . means crude oil price is giving impact directly on Shell EPS. But, since JAN 07, Shell only rose from RM10 to RM11.50, only 15% gaining. Compare to Petronas, its share price rose 100% from RM4 to RM8.
I have studied Shell financial reports from 2001. Its 7 years ROE average is 25%. This is an excellent number for a giant company. Public bank only manage to maintain ROE between 17% to 22%. So, Shell management is excellent in capital management.Current year, estimated EPS is around RM2.00. Compare to RM11.50, its current PE is 5.5 (very low!).
At 2001, Shell equity is RM744 million. 2007, its equity is around 2400million. 1500 is one times, 3000 is two times. Shell only takes around 7 years to double its equity twice, average 3.5 years to double once. According to rule 72, its growth rate is 21%. quite matching its ROE.
For EPS in 2001, it was RM0.25. Current FY, EPS is RM2.00. it has double 3 times over 6 years. Growth rate at 36%. This mainly due to increment of crude oil price. Crude oil at JAN 2002 was USD 20 per barrel. its growth rate also around 30% over 6 years.
Shell is having RM478 million long term loan with cash in hand is RM372 million (updated from quater 3). The loan is in USD, due to Ringgit is growing stronger, the loan amount is expected to be reduce. i think, at 4th Q, shell is having net cash in hand.
From points of investment, Shell is having a high "moat" biz. Petroleum liciense is limited. the players in malaysia market are BHD, Carltex , Petronas and exxon mobil. These big players are considered monopoly the market. then, their biz is simple and easy to understand. If the management continues excellent, then their earnings are rely on crude oil price. Not affected by demand and supply. In addition, they have high ROE, means excellent management team.
From 2002 reports, Shell is keeping average 3million crude oils stock every year. When crude oil price increases, their net asset and sales and increase as well. And oil never depreciation likes machine/products/cloths by ages.
Let us reveiw some risk.
1. if oil price drops. Please look at the changes of share price this year, shell only gain 15%. means, it will not be over price, unless oil price drops more than 75%. this is a very safe margin. Somehow, i do not foreseen any reason that oil price will drops sharply these years.
2. Shell growing is limited. If oil price inflation is 15 to 20% per year, their EPS growth will be more than 20% per year. Even oil price maintain in the next 5 years, shell maintain EPS at RM1.50, its reasonable price is RM 25++ (PE=12). coz its current PE=5.5 is extremely low.
3. Current Shell price at RM11.50 is the historical high. Do not forget that, share price only reflected the share value. If the share value keep on gaining, there will never be the highest price or over price problem. Look at Digi. you never can predict the high and low point. Let us get back to fundamentals.
based on margin of safety calculation, can get from www.ruleoneinvestor.com i found that safety price is RM18. Shell is just 20% of its intrisic value.
I already bought 600 units for mother (average price at RM11.40), 200 units for my girl friend and 100 unit for myself (RM11.50).
If anybody has comment about Shell, you are welcome to discuss at my blog
Good luck!
Posted by tan81 at 11/15/2007 11:21:00 下午 28 comments
Labels: share research
如何选股 (2)
许多名师都推荐,包括巴菲特,第一个基本面是 ROE 。
怎样推算ROE,可以在网上下载它的方程式, 也可在会计的教科书里找到。我只分享如何根据这个数字来选股。巴菲特的原则是,ROE要大于15%或0.15。也有一些大师会选择10%以上的公司。我个人认为,10% 是最低要求。如果我们找到一间公司,我们爱它的产品,可是ROE低于10%,这间公司,我就不会研究。只要在网路里做功课,就能了解ROE的功能。
优秀如大众银行的大象型公司,近年的ROE维持在17% 至20%; 快速成长的小型公司,如JObstreet, 连续3年的ROE维持在30%以上。ROE的比例与盈利的回报,有着密切的关系。如果ROE维持在高数字,如20%以上,公司的盈利大多数在增长。如果ROE持续下降,盈利也将下滑。
你知道投资大师都是怎么说的吗?他们说;“把全部的鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,然后,好好的看着它!” 很多人都在争执前面的句子,要把鸡蛋放进同一个篮子,还是分散。其实,不管你决定如何,真正关键的是后面那句:然后,好好的看着它!太多人不愿意做这个动作了。所以,他们会道听途说,会相信老前辈的推荐,听分析师的意见,甚至购买共同基金。不管你如何开始投资,如果你没有准备“好好的看着那个篮子!" 从你投资的那一刻起,风险就注定跟着你。
Posted by tan81 at 11/14/2007 01:45:00 上午 2 comments
Labels: 如何根据价值选股
For comment, information, sharing, chatting or any discussion
please reply to leave your topics here, if you found that there is no comment for others discussion. welcome everyone to leave anything here. this post is 100% open!
Posted by tan81 at 11/14/2007 12:28:00 上午 37 comments
Labels: discussion or question
如何选股 (1)
第一,我觉得上市公司好几千家,不能见到赚钱的公司就投资。必须先了解自己的生活饮居的习性,自己的爱好和自己最关心的事情。其实,人总是特别喜欢做自己有兴趣,及想做的事。如果为了赚钱,而做自己讨厌和不正当的勾当,你会犹豫吗?如果你喜欢A公司的产品,也知道很多人买A 公司的产品,却发现B公司比较赚钱,你只好买B公司的股票。又或则你完全不了解B产品,就投资。以上的例子,都是投资于不感兴趣和不了解的事情。结果可能你会赚钱,但,却承担极大的风险。投资本身并不带来风险。风险是源自于无知。即使B公司赚钱,但你能掌握B 能赚多少和赚多久吗?甚至几时会亏损呢?这就是风险的源头。
PETER LYNX 之所以能成为史上最成功的基金经理人,我认为,他擅长于在生活空间里,观察到投资的机会。他也说过,散户总是比基金经理人更快察觉到某件产品的渗透力和某间公司的成长。基金总是后知后觉。因为,他们总是研究财务报告的数字。
有兴趣的朋友,可到哦哦的网站,下载 peter lynx 的电子书。
Posted by tan81 at 11/11/2007 08:14:00 下午 1 comments
Labels: 如何根据价值选股
MY INVESTMENT combination
31 DECEMBER 2007
11 nov 2007.
I have sold apollo last week to obtain cash. Sold at RM2.96 per unit.
I have bought vitrox at RM0.905 , 1000 units after read some news about E&E sector is recovering. I plan to buy more if vitrox keep on falling. My 1st 1000 units was bought at RM 0.79 per unit. So, the average is RM0.85 per unit.
The remaining cash is waiting for SHELL, at RM11.30.
5 December 2007
I have been away two weekend to singapore and penang. I have attended T.Harv Eker training, will do some sharing here these two weeks.
So, this latest update consists of past two weeks purchased. I have bought in another 100 units of SHELL @RM11.10 . The average price of 800 units of SHELL is RM11.40.
I also bought in AIM, 2000 units @ RM0.315 last week, and 3500 units @ RM0.29 today. So, AIM with 11500 units of average price, RM0.321 per unit. I will share the reason to accumulate AIM this week.
This week, i also will continue my article, "How to select a good share", there is still very much things to share, after i finish reading on "The New Buffetology".
Posted by tan81 at 11/11/2007 11:43:00 上午 8 comments
Labels: tan81 investment
It will make Malaysia HOT internationally
I never expect malaysian can like taiwanese, dare to show their opinions and say NO to those unfair and request for justice. I really proud of being malaysian now.
Please visit to link below and see how great of our malaysians did. Look at those police again, they are making another shame as terrifying tourists at Masjid Jamek.
and you can find more in youtube!
thanks to youtube for making the world become transparent!
Posted by tan81 at 11/11/2007 11:12:00 上午 0 comments
Labels: BERSIH
Bersih ! 10 november 2007- a memorable day
For a malaysian, we resists corruption, we do not want racism, we against monarky, we want BERSIH!
If no BERSIH, our investment is not protected, our family is in risk, our future is not guaranted!
Fair election, fair government and fair economy! That is the malaysia that we want and love!
that is the current politic challenge that we are having. The election and many sector sare dominant by single party and unfair to many people. You may take this as a case study how the political issues will affect the economic activity in malaysia.
just want to share with you.
please visit
冷眼 was there? i copy this reply from others website.
张贴者 冷眼 @ 1686 on 十一月 11, 2007 12:25 上午
No: 56988
有一个遗憾:我不幸成为被挡在Jln TAR 一带的那支黄衫军之一员,无法出现在游行队伍中!当时的情况就是群龙无首,一盘散沙。希望主办当局在总结检讨时,能注意一下组织与应变等方面,下回加以改善。
Posted by tan81 at 11/11/2007 02:08:00 上午 0 comments
Labels: BERSIH